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Some of Justin's favorite cuts! But let's be honest- there isn't a cut that he does't like on an animal! In this pack you will recieve:

(Some items may be substituted due to availability. Any subsitiutions will be a cut of equal, or greater value)


-5 Lbs Ground Beef

-1 Sirloin Steak

-1 Delmonico (Ribeye)

-2 NY Strips

-1 Flat Iron

-2 Bratwurst packs

-2 Burger Packs (2, 8oz patties)


Delmonico (Ribeye)- Our Ribeye Steaks (our processor labels them Delmonicos), are boneless and are cut to at least 1in thick and are between 14 and 16 ounces. This tender and highly marbled cut comes from the rib primal from the animal. It has an intense rich flavor and is great to cook on the grill or can be done in a pan or even the oven broiler.


NY Strip- The New York Strip is cut from the short loin of the animal. It’s meaty and marbled in texture and makes for a nice solid chew. Very little seasoning or marinating needs to be done on this cut. Our NY Strips are boneless, cut to 1in thick and average 10-12 ounces. These are cooked great on the grill, or can be pan cooked or broiled.


Flat Iron- The flat iron comes from the shoulder of the cow, and is nearly as marbled and tender as the tenderloin. The uniform thickness and rectangular shape makes this an easy cut to cook. Our flat irons are cut to around 1in thickness and are around 8oz in size. This cut is best when grilled.


Chuck Eye Steak- The nickname of a chuck eye is a “baby ribeye”- it’s just as juicy and tender as a ribeye. This cut comes from the shoulder region, and is full of marbling and flavor. This cut is boneless and is cut to 1in thick and around 6-8oz in size. This is best grilled, pan seared or broiled.


Short Ribs- Our beef short ribs are bone in and packed FULL of flavor! They are cut against the bone (flanken). They are cooked best slow. Whether that is the smoker, or even the crock pot. They are not best suited for the grill. Because they are cut from between the chuck and the rib, they get the intense marbling of a rib steak but the deep flavor of a chuck.



Burgers- Our Burgers have it hard for our customers to ever eat another burger from anywhere else again! In each pack you will be getting 2, 8oz pre-formed patties. Great for the grill or the flat top cooker!



Justin's Favorites - American Wagyu

Excluding Sales Tax
Out of Stock

    River Road Cattle Company, Chesterfield VA

    Call or text us!
    Rebecca: 804-955-7205
    Justin: 804-356-9968

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